Monday, February 4, 2013

Cheese and carnation

Cheese and carnation. Oil on board 7"x5"
Available at 

This painting is part of a series of work that looks at local produce. The cheese is made from organic ewes milk at Middle Campscott Farm (
The carnation was bought locally for my partners, daughters 21st birthday.
It's easy, whilst looking round the generic supermarket, to forget the importance that local produce had historically and (hopefully) will have again. I tend to view the rise of supermarkets like the rise of photography. Photography didn't kill portraiture or painting - it simply elevated it to a luxury item and I think the supermarket is doing the same to local produce. The supermarket  can stock all kinds of cheese from all over the world- except the cheese in the painting and it can't get that at any price. That cheese has been hand made by one or two people who consider it to be their life's work. The cheese changes colour, texture and taste depending on local weather conditions and other subtle unseen agencies and is not regulated by chemicals or perceived aesthetics.
There is a kinship here between crafted food and the painted image that we all should be aware of and seek to promote - say no to mass produced food and no to bland, ill crafted, imagery!

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