Friday, January 18, 2013

Available work

The paintings on this blog are available only from me. They are done only for this blog and aren't being placed in any galleries. If you are interested email me at with a price between£30.00 and £50.00.
"Too cheap!" I hear you cry. Well, get in early before I become famous or, better still, die...... try buying them then.
I don't do Pay-Pal (yet!) but a cheque will do nicely. (do they still do cheques?)
The paintings are done from life, not photos. They are done in a single sitting with no re- touching. The objects that I paint belong to me and contain meaning and significance. These meanings and significances are usually written about alongside the images and, I think, give sort of an explanation of why the work was done.
Other paintings by me are available in London galleries at around the £1, 500 mark!


  1. thanks Nigel-this is great!
    Be n R

  2. We look forward to all the new paintings!!
    Be n R
